A clade is a complete branch of the evolutionary family tree. In these games, the major clades are mammals, arthropods (“bugs”), and sauropsids (reptiles and birds together). Each major clades includes three smaller clades, such as “bats” or “turtles.” Each smaller clade is linked to one of three environments: water, land, or air. The cards show which sorts of animals are more closely related to each other and which less closely.
Cards are laid out on the table twelve at a time, and players compete to find a “triple”, which is three cards that go together in a pattern. Each player also has a personal card that only they can use. Bonus cards add a exciting element of chance. The player who spots the most triples is the winner.
• No taking turns. Everyone plays at the same time. • Young and old can play together. • Lots of cute animals. Clades has whales, winged insects, lizards, and other living things. Clades: Prehistoric has dinosaurs, sea scorpions, woolly mammoths, and other extinct animals. • Includes science facts in the rulebook and on animal information cards. • Play the two games separately or together.